Neurological DisordersAlzheimer's diseaseAnxiety disordersBlogDepressionEpilepsyMental Health DisordersMigraineMultiple sclerosisParkinson's disease

Understanding the Ripple Effects of 5 Deadly Neurological Disorders: The Invisible Burden

Neurological disorders

Neurological disorders are the nervous system and peripheral system related diseases which have fatal effects if remain unaddressed. Neurological disorders involve central nervous system, nerves, brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles and neuromuscular junctions. Neurological disorders entails lot of diseases but this article will address migraine, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Lot of disorders is result of malnutrition and unhealthy diets.

Bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites cause certain nervous system related neurological disorders. Annually, millions of people become victim of neurological disorders worldwide. Every year around 6 million people die due to strokes.

There are more than 50 million patients of epilepsy around the globe, 47.5 million patients of dementia and surprisingly this number is increasing by 7.7 million new cases annually. Migraine affects 10% population of the world. Alzheimer is prime contributor towards dementia by 60-70% cases.  It shows that neurological disorders must be taken seriously.

Table of Contents

Essential Food choices beneficial against Neurological Disorders

Healthy and balanced diet is beneficial against certain neurological disorders. The food recommended to curb the adverse effects of neurological disorders is MIND diet. MIND stand for Mediterranean DASH intervention for neurodegenerative Delay.  The foods beneficial against neurological disorders are as follows:

  • Spinach and kale.
  • Beans
  • Blackberries, raspberry and blueberry
  • Brown rice
  • Rich calcium foods
  • Olive oil and nuts
  • Turkey and chicken

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer disease is considered a fatal neurological disorder which affected around 5.2 million people in US over the age of 65. Around 2/3rd American women are also victim of it. Alzheimer is really common form of dementia.

Alzheimer is basically a neurodegenerative disorder, which is caused due to death of nerve cells in brain. It may lead towards certain behaviors:  

  • Confusions
  • Restlessness
  • Personality change
  • Impairment of memory
  • Judgmental issues
  • Communication problems
  • Language problems
  • Emotional problems
  • Thought process deterioration

Autopsy could help in differentiating it from other variations of dementia through microscopic examination. Alzheimer disorder may present neurofibrillary tangles and clusters of neuritic plaques.

What are causes of Alzheimer’s disease?

Although the accurate causes of it are still unknown up to some extent yet there are some causes tendered by National Institute of Aging which are as follows:

  • Family history
  • Genetic variations
  • Protein deposits in brain
  • Environmental triggers
  • Problems in immune system

What are warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease?

The prime warning sign is short term memory problems. The person facing it may forget daily tasks, forget names and locations. Even, person face acute problems while performing petty tasks like paying bill or cook something.

Alzheimer may present certain signs and symptoms like:

  • Facing difficulty in routine tasks performance
  • Language issues
  • Memory loss
  • Disorientation about place and time
  • Poor judgments
  • Misplacement of things
  • Mood swings
  • De-motivation
  • Personality issues
  • Inability to recognize others even close ones

How to diagnose Alzheimer?

As far as diagnosis of Alzheimer (a neurological disorder) is concerned there is no single valid way other than autopsy. However, there are several procedural alternatives to diagnose it through:

  • Mental status tests
  • Blood test
  • Lumber punctures
  • Neuropsychological tests
  • X rays of chest
  • Urinalysis
  • EEG (Electroencephalogram)
  • Genetic testing
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • CT (Computed tomography)


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the patient may encounter recurrent seizures. It may affect anyone irrespective of age, gender, ethnic orientation or any race. It is considered as a common neurological disorder which affected around 2.2 million people in US.

It basically happens due to disruption in connection between brain and nerve cells. It may result due to high grade fever, drug withdrawals, concussions, low or high blood sugar levels etc. 

Epilepsy is result of imbalance of neurotransmitters (nerve signaling chemicals), strokes, tumors or injury. This neurological disorder may become really fatal if unaddressed.

Epilepsy is considered as idiopathic in nature which means the origin is unknown and it ranges from 6 out of 10 in most of the situations however in other conditions it may be due t some injuries, strokes, brain problems, tumors or nervous system issues. 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic central nervous system disease which may last for long period of time. It is most commonly known as autoimmune disorder in which immune system attacks on itself and cause damage mistakenly. 

Multiple sclerosis is considered as an unpredictable disease because it affects individuals differently. In some cases it presents mild while in other cases present serious issues like difficulty in walking, communicating and writing.

Actually, nerve fibers are protected by fatty tissues called Myelin. In multiple sclerosis Myelin get destroyed from multiple areas. Such loss cause scars called as sclerosis, lesions or plaque. In such damage conditions nerve are not able to transmit electrical impulses to brain which disrupts multiple body functions.

What are causes of multiple sclerosis?

The causes of multiple sclerosis are as follows:

  • Autoimmune problems
  • Genetic triggers
  • Environmental factors
  • Viruses

What are symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis ranges from mild to severe and short term to long term depending upon the damage inflicted area of nervous  system. Furthermore, the symptoms may vary person to person. However, there are some symptoms which normally witnessed.

  • Distortion in red and green colors
  • Optic neuritis (optic nerve swelling)
  • Pain and loss of vision
  • Difficulty while walking
  • Paresthesia (pricking pains or numbness).
  • Tremor (shaking)
  • Sensational losses
  • Loss of hearing
  • Muscle weakness especially arms and legs
  • Paralysis (partial or complete).
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle stiffness and spasm.
  • Depression
  • Sexually functioning issues
  • Bladder and bowel problems.

Majority of patients may develop problems relating to concentration, attention, thinking, memory and judgment.

How to diagnose multiple sclerosis?

There is no standardized method to diagnose multiple sclerosis. But healthcare provider could diagnose through two important factors.

  1. One must encounter two attacks 1 month apart. And in an attack multiple sclerosis symptoms happen and sustained for 24 hours.
  2. One must have multiple areas damage of central nervous system. Myelin damage on multiple points is also present at this stage.

MRI scan can also help in diagnosing multiple sclerosis. MS related evaluation and analysis entails overall health and neurological examinations which include:

  • Emotional functioning
  • Mental functioning
  • Coordination and movement functioning
  • Language testing
  • Vision testing
  • Balance and testing of 5 senses


Migraines are more common among women than men. Almost, 12% population of US is affected by it. Migraines mostly affect one side of the head but it can happen anywhere in the head region, face or neck. Most of the people mistakenly consider migraine as sinus headaches. In worst situations, one get sensitive to light, smell or noise. Nausea is considered as a most common sign of migraine.

What are stimuli of migraine?

Migraine can happen due to multiple reasons which are as follows:

  • Smells
  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol
  • Changes in climatic conditions or weather
  • Dehydration
  • Hunger
  • Menstruation
  • Specific foods and meals

What is treatment of migraine?

Migraine a neurological disorder is preventable through life style changes, dietary alteration and vitamins intake. Majority of people consume medications of blood pressure, epilepsy and antidepressants. It is more advisable to prevent it through certain modifications in routines and life style.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is another neurological disorder which starts with tremors. The tremor of shaking of one arm may proceed further and cause limb stiffness and slowness.

What are causes of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is basically a chronic neurological disorder which can affect any person belonging to any race, ethnic background, religion, locality or sex. It is associated with a small part of the brain which is called as substantia nigra. It is the place where dopamine produced and consumed by brain.

Dopamine is actually a chemical substance which control transmission of messages from nerves to muscles. With increase in age most of substantia nigra cells dies which is normal. It happens however at a low pace in most of the people. But in some other cases the cells dies rapidly and cause problems. After elapsed of 50-60 percent cells, symptoms start to erupt.

What are risk factors?

Parkinson’s disease (a neurological disorder) may have certain risk factors which are as follows:

·         The probability of it increases manifolds after age of 60.

·         It is more common in males than females.

·         Environmental factors may also cause it.

·         Genetic contribute as well.

What are symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

As far as, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are concerned it can be classified into 3 categories which are as follows:

  • Primary motor symptoms
  • Secondary motor symptoms
  • Non motor symptoms


Neurological disorders like migraine, epilepsy and others are normally seen problems. But, in most of the cases such neurological disorders are taken less cautiously which become really severe at its peak. Most of neurological disorders may restrict individual movements and cause muscle stiffness. Neurological disorders may also caused due to malnutrition and poor and unhealthy diets. Balanced diet is therefore has paramount importance.

The need of time is to approach healthcare providers as soon as possible for neurological disorders treatment. Self evaluations and self medications may become really detrimental in most of the cases. Neurological disorders are associated with brain functioning and when brain functioning hampers overall body functions get worse.

It is more advisable to visit healthcare provider when witness any problem especially regarding neurological disorders to address the issues timely. Secondly, certain modifications in dietary routines and life style changes may also assist in devising a defensive strategy against neurological disorders.

What are neurological disorders?

Neurological disorders involve central nervous system, nerves, brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles and neuromuscular junctions.

Which food is beneficial against neurological disorders?

·         Spinach and kale.
·         Beans
·         Blackberries, raspberry and blueberry
·         Brown rice
·         Rich calcium foods
·         Olive oil and nuts
·         Turkey and chicken

How to diagnose neurological disorders?

Neurological disorders are not easily detectable. However, early visit to healthcare provider is inevitable.

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