Diseases & PrecautionsInfectious DiseasesNaegleria FowleriZika virus

Naegleria fowleri: The Deadly Parasite That Can Kill You in Just 5 Days


Naegleria fowleri is a microscopic ameba (a single celled living organic entity). Naegleria fowleri can cause an uncommon however lethal brain infection called Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) is a sickness of the focal sensory system. PAM is brought about by Naegleria , a free-living one-celled critter. A rare illness is quite often deadly; just 4 out of 157 individuals in the US have endured contamination from 1962 to 2022.

Naegleria fowleri , as reported by National Institute of Health (NIH) Islamabad Pakistan in a research conducted in 2019 says that patients are regularly reported by tertiary care hospitals of Karachi since 2008. Despite limitations of surveillance about 88 cases are reported in Pakistan in approximately last decade and its having a death rate of 100%.

Naegleria is tracked down in warm freshwater, like lakes, streams, and natural aquifers. It can likewise be tracked down in soil and in ineffectively chlorinated pools. Naegleria enters the body through the nose when individuals swim or make a plunge warm freshwater. It then goes up the nose to the brain, where it can cause inflammation and damage.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naegleria_fowleri

Clinical Presentation & Sign Symptoms of Naegleria Fowleri

Naegleria have a signs and symptoms related to bacterial meningitis. It increases the probability of occurrence and diagnosis of PAM straightaway.

Individuals become infected while water containing Naegleria enters the nose and the Naegleria relocates to the brain along the olfactory nerve. Individuals don’t become tainted from drinking contaminated water. Symptoms may arise from 1-12 days after exposure to Naegleria through nasal track. Individuals pass on 1 to 18 days (median 5 days) after symptoms start. PAM is hard to recognize in light of the fact that the sickness advances quickly so finding once in a while happens after the patient kicks the bucket. Symptoms of the Naegleria include:

Stage 1

β€’          Serious front facing migraine

β€’          Fever

β€’          Nausea

β€’          Vomiting

Stage 2

β€’          Stiff neck

β€’          Seizures

β€’          Changed mental status

β€’          Hallucination

β€’          Unconsciousness

The brain eating amoeba is found extremely deadly because it’s having just 5 survivors which are yet known from US.

Generally, the standpoint for individuals who get this infection is poor, albeit early analysis and new medicines could expand the opportunities for survival.

Precautionary Measures & Control of Naegleria Fowleri

The brain-eating amoeba symptoms timeline is from 1-12 days. How to avoid brain-eating amoeba:

Avoid Swimming in Contaminated Water

Abstain from swimming or making a plunge warm freshwater, particularly throughout the summers

Keep Your Head Up

Assuming you really do swim in warm freshwater, don’t put your head submerged.

Use Nose Clip

On the off chance that you need to put your head submerged, hold your nose shut or wear a nose clip.

Wash Sinuses

Boil water for 1 minute prior to utilizing it to wash your sinuses.

Avoid Tap Water

Try not to utilize tap water to fill a neti pot or other nasal water system gadget.

Assuming you figure you might have been presented to Naegleria , look for clinical consideration right away. Early determination and treatment might work on the possibilities of survival.

Additional Protection Against Naegleria Fowleri

Here are a few extra precautionary measures that individuals can take to lessen their gamble of contamination with Naegleria :

β€’          Try not to work up silt in warm freshwater.

β€’          Try not to swim or make a plunge region where there have been known instances of PAM.

β€’          In the event that you have a weak immune system, discuss with your doctor regarding risks of Naegleria.

Naegleria infects individuals while water containing the Naegleria enters the body through the nose. This normally happens when individuals swim, jumping, or when they put their heads under fresh water, as in lakes and streams. The Naegleria then ventures out up the nose to the brain, where it obliterates the mind tissue and causes a staggering disease called Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM). PAM is quite often deadly.

Naegleria diseases may likewise happen when individuals utilize polluted tap water to purify their noses during strict practices or flush their sinuses (sending water up the nose).

In exceptionally rare examples, individuals have gotten Naegleria diseases from recreational water that needed more chlorine in it, for example, pools, splashed pads, or surf parks.

There is no proof that Naegleria can spread through water vapors or aerosol droplets. It is also observed that people don’t get infected by merely drinking infected water with Naegleria .

Naegleria lives in warm fresh water and soil all over the world. The Naegleria might be available in any freshwater body in the US, no matter what the state, particularly during the hotter long periods of July, August, and September.

Naegleria loves heat that why it lives in warm waters and called as thermophilic. It develops best at high temperatures up to 115Β°F (46Β°C) and can get by for brief periods at considerably higher temperatures. Researchers have tried water temperatures from lakes and streams connected to some PAM cases, and the temperatures have commonly been higher than 80Β°F. Nonetheless, it is conceivable that the Naegleria may live in water with a temperature beneath 80Β°F.

The Naegleria can be found in:

β€’          Fresh waters, like lakes and rivers

β€’          Geothermal (normally boiling) water, like hot springs

β€’          Warm water release from industrial or power plants

β€’          Untreated geothermal (normally hot) drinking water sources

β€’          Pools, splashed pads, surf parks, or other recreational sites that are ineffectively kept up with or need more chlorine in them

β€’          Tap water

β€’          Water heaters

β€’          Soil, including residue at the lower part of lakes, ponds, rivers and streams

β€’          Naegleria fowleri isn’t tracked down in salt water, similar to the sea.

Naegleria eats other little living beings like bacteria tracked down in the silt in lakes and waterways.

The disease destroys mind tissue, causing cerebrum swelling and demise.

The death rate is more than 97%. Just four individuals have made due out of 157 known infected people in the US from 1962 to 2022.

Since PAM is so uncommon, and on the grounds that the disease advances so rapidly, successful medicines have been trying to distinguish. There is some proof that specific medications might be successful, yet we are as yet finding out about the best medications to treat these infections. At present, PAM is treated with a mix of medications, frequently including amphotericin B, azithromycin, fluconazole, rifampin, miltefosine, and dexamethasone. These medications are utilized in light of the fact that they are believed to be viable against Naegleria and have been utilized to treat patients who made due. Miltefosine is the most current of these medications.

Most Naegleria infections occur in youthful guys, particularly those 14 years of age and more youthful. The explanations behind this aren’t clear. It’s conceivable that young men are bound to take part in exercises like jumping into the water and playing in the silt at the lower part of lakes and streams.


Naegleria is an interesting yet lethal . Naegleria can cause Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM), a disease of the mind. PAM is commonly shrunk by swimming or making a plunge warm freshwater (over 70 degrees Fahrenheit) that is tainted with the Naegleria . The Naegleria enters the body through the nose and goes to the mind, where it can cause serious irritation and tissue damage.

Naegleria is extremely lethal and cause serious damage to brain. It is recommended to avoid swimming in contaminated waters or wear nose clips while swimming. Once enter into brain it start damaging brain tissues and make the recovery even more difficult. There are chances of getting naegleria from tap water as well.

The death rate for PAM is extremely high, with most patients passing on inside 1 to 12 days of infection. There is no known remedy for PAM, however treatment with antifungal prescriptions might assist with easing back the movement of the illness.

There are various things that should be possible to diminish the gamble of contracting PAM, including:

β€’          Abstaining from swimming or making a plunge warm freshwater, particularly during summers

β€’          Wearing a nose clip while swimming in freshwater.

β€’          Trying not to work up silt in freshwater.

β€’          Cleaning and chlorinating pools and hot tubs consistently.

On the off chance that you experience any of the symptoms of PAM, like migraine, fever, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, or confusions, it is essential to promptly look for clinical consideration. Early conclusion and treatment are fundamental for the most obvious opportunity with regards to survival.

Health education in the most affected areas and regions should be encouraged to enrich general public about Naegleria fowleri sign, symptoms, dangers and precautions. The chances of getting naegleria fowleri from tap water are also inevitable.

All in all, Naegleria is a serious danger to general wellbeing, yet the gamble of infection can be diminished by playing it safe. By monitoring the dangers and doing whatever it takes to safeguard yourself, you can assist with guarding yourself and your loved ones.


What is Naegleria?

Naegleria fowleri is a microscopic ameba (a single celled living organic entity).

What Naegleria Fowleri cause?

Naegleria can cause an uncommon however lethal brain infection called Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).

Where Naegleria Fowleri live?

Naegleria is tracked down in warm freshwater, like lakes, streams, and natural aquifers.

How Naegleria enters into body?

Through nasal track.

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