Neurological DisordersMigraine

Unveiling the Vicious Triggers: 7 Extraordinarily Major Reasons of Migraine Explained

Major Reasons of Migraine

Major reasons of migraine are not fully understood however researchers have recognized quite a few main factors which add to the development and expansion of migraine.

By understanding the major reasons of migraine, individuals and healthcare providers can take proactive steps to manage and potentially prevent these debilitating attacks.

Migraine is basically a neurological state which is characterized by recurring, unbearable headaches. Migraine is considered as one of the mainly general health troubles across the world.  

Migraine is affecting around 1 billion people approximately round the globe. Major reasons of migraines are still under discussion however it is proven that migraines have an intense contact with an individual’s overall quality of life. It causes relentless pain, sensory disorders and may cause other devastating problems.

7 Major Reasons of Migraine

There are numerous major reasons of migraine but there are some focal factors which may cause migraine. The major reasons of migraine are as follows:

Genetic Predisposition: As Major Reasons of Migraine

Genetic predisposition is considered as a one of the major reasons of migraine. There are various research studies which revealed that if an individual has a first degree migraine problem then he or she has 2-4 times more probability to develop and experience migraine himself.

Researchers have identified various genes based mutations which play a significant role in migraine’s pathogenesis. Such variations in genes triggers human brain to respond and further process the stimulus which results in migraine based symptoms.

There are some genes which may cause migraine related vulnerabilities. Such genes may include:


These genes’s codes act as a sub-unit of a calcium based channel protein. It is concerned with neuronal regulations to influence excitability and controls pain signal transmissions.

  • ATP1A2

The mutations in these genes lead to influence sodium-potassium ATPase. ATPase is really important enzymes which regulate and balance ions in human brain cells. 


These genes are responsible for the regulation of activities related to various potassium channels which perform core function of maintaining migraine susceptibility.

Apart from all that, these genes mutations may or may not be the reason of migraine susceptibility however the family history must be considered as predominant factor for adopting a proactive approach. Therefore, in such cases proactive management and monitoring must be employed.

Hormonal Imbalances: As Major Reasons of Migraine

Hormonal imbalances are considered as major reasons of migraine trigger especially among women.  It is due to the fact that the propensity of encountering migraine is more common among women which accounts for around 75% of total migraine based affectees.

In women menstrual cycles, the estrogen level continue to the fluctuate which cause severe migraine attacks. In the menstrual cycles, the abrupt slump in estrogen levels can lead towards the launch of trigeminovascular system. It is a multifaceted system of nerves and blood vessels in human brain which act as a fundamental system in migraine pathogenesis.

Furthermore, hormonal variations linked with pregnancy, menopause or due to the exploitation of hormonal contraceptives can also activate migraine spells in vulnerable group of people.

It is crucial to understand the connection between migraine and hormonal imbalances as it will pro actively help in early detection and diagnosis. Owing to which, it become more feasible to counter migraine through certain hormonal therapies and targeted treatments.

Stress and Anxiety: As Major Reasons of Migraine

Stress and anxiety are extensively known as noteworthy triggers for migraine encounters and also considered among major reasons of migraine. The psychological and physiological response towards certain stressed circumstances can lead towards a series of proceedings that conclude in the occurrence of migraine.

In most stressed situations, it triggers the release of various hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones have a direct bearing on centers of brain’s pain processing.

Such, hormonal changes lead towards fluctuations in neuro-transmitter levels, inflammations and the commencement of the trigeminovascular system owing to which migraine erupts.

Furthermore, the psychological and emotional constituent of stress can also worsen migraines. Depression, anxiety and other forms of disorders are often comorbid with migraine. The interplay between such situations creates a vicious cycle. Finally such cycle cause stress and negative emotions which further worsen the overall migraine experience and at the end the migraine attacks further which contributes in emotional distress.

Several researches revealed that stress management techniques like cognitive behavioral therapies, relaxation techniques and certain mindfulness practices help in minimizing the severity and frequency of migraines.

Sensory Triggers: As Major Reasons of Migraine

It is observed that there are certain sensory and environmental factors which contribute in triggering migraines. Such triggers can differ from person to person but some are really common which are as follows:

Light sensitivity (Photophobia)

Glaring, bright and flickering lights can incite migraine. It is due to the fact that the brain’s pain passages are hypersensitive towards visual stimulus.

Sound sensitivity (Phonophobia)

Persistent, loud or sudden noises can aggravate migraines which lead towards amplified pain and distress.

Odor sensitivity (Osmophobia)

Unpleasant, strong and pungent odors can operate as a prompt to the close association between the brain’s pain processing centers and olfactory systems.

Weather changes

Certain seasonal shifts and variations in barometric pressures, rapid temperature fluctuations and other meteorological antecedents have been connected to the beginning of migraine onslaught.

Certain foods and beverages

Foods which contain tyramine (e.g. in processed meats and aged cheeses), alcohol, caffeine and other substance can stimulate migraines.

It may prove really helpful to timely identify and understand such sensory triggers to devise an effective and proactive strategy to counter, minimize and avoid the migraine attacks.

Improper Sleep Hygiene and Circadian Rhythms: As Major Reasons of Migraine

Inadequate sleep is considered as one of the major reasons of migraine which adversely affect functioning of brain and may results in migraine attack. Studies showed that circadian rhythms which are known as natural wake and sleep cycles may disturb due to inadequate sleep and cause migraines.

There are certain factors such as irregular sleep or sleep deprivation and other sleep disorders like sleep apnea can contribute in triggering migraine’s episodes.

In the absence of proper sleep hygiene or disturbed circadian rhythms, the brain sensitivity may increase manifold and cause migraine pain.

On the other hand, migraines can also disturb sleep routines which commence a vicious cycle which deteriorate overall brain function. The major symptoms of migraine like severe pain, nausea or sensitivity to light and sound can make it difficult for individuals to take a good asleep or stay asleep which further exacerbate the migraine issue.

So, in order to avoid migraine attacks one must employ certain sleep hygiene best practices like sleep promoting devices, medicines and suggestions from experts on sleep hygiene related problems to avoid aftermath of recurrent migraine attacks. 

Dietary Factors: As Major Reasons of Migraine

The part of human diet in migraine’s pathogenesis has been remained the subject matter of widespread researches. There are certain eating and dietary factors which directly associated with the migraine attacks which may include the following:


Maintaining sufficient hydration is vital as dehydration can lead towards the discharge of inflammatory mediators and also contribute in the launch of the trigeminovascular system.

Caffeine withdrawal

A sudden abandonment of caffeine which is a common vasoactive substance, can hurried migraine attacks in regular intervals.

Processed and preserved foods

Foods which contain preservatives, additives and artificial sweeteners (like aspartame, monosodium glutamate and nitrates) have been connected to migraine attacks.

Certain food groups

Few individuals may become more sensitive towards particular food groups like as nuts, aged cheese, processed meats and citrus fruits which hold compounds like tyramine which may cause migraine.

Adopting a well-balanced, whole-food diet and paying attention to personal dietary triggers can be an important part of a comprehensive migraine management strategy.

Injury and Trauma: As Major Reasons of Migraine

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) like concussion have been recognized as a important risk factor in the progress of chronic migraines attacks.

The influence and consequent damage to the brain can lead towards abrupt activation of the trigeminovascular system and towards a further release of inflammatory mediators which ultimately cause migraine attacks.

In certain cases, the migraine issues start right after brain injury but in other cases it may start gradually after brain injury. Therefore, it is pertinent to note that individuals who encounter TBIs have a more probability to develop migraines in later stage of their lives. It is, therefore, highly recommended to employ proactive approaches and seek treatment to avoid migraine spells. The treatments in such circumstances become really inevitable.


Migraines are basically a more complicated and versatile state that can be prejudiced by a diversity of factors including genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, stress and anxiety, sensory triggers, disruptions in sleep and circadian rhythms, dietary factors, and traumatic brain injuries which are considered as major reasons of migraine.

Understanding regarding major reasons of migraine is crucial for healthcare providers and individuals affected by it.

Through identifying the main reasons to migraine development and progression, individuals can work collaborator with medical practitioners to devise healthy strategy to avoid migraines.

Such mixture of precautionary medications, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, and the avoidance of known triggers can help in timely diagnosis, treatment, mitigation and recovery.

Finally, the endeavor to manage and fight with the migraines solely based upon individual will and immunity because the contributing factors may vary person to person therefore the approaches to handle migraine also vary. However, through properly identifying the root causes of recurrent migraines one can make a viable action plan to manage, mitigate, diagnose and treat migraines through eliminating threats from all major reasons of migraine.


What is migraine?

Migraine is basically a neurological state which is characterized by recurring, unbearable headaches.

How migraine could be treated?

Through early detection, planning, diagnosing and treatment. The advice of concerned medical practitioner is of utmost importance.

What are the reasons of migraine?

Stress, anxiety, depression, poor sleep hygiene, sensory and genetic issues.

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