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Unmasking Numbness: 5 Top Eye-Opening Reasons of Numbness in Hands and Feet

The reasons of numbness in hands and feet are multifaceted and complex. The reasons of numbness in hands and feet exhibit some unsettling symptoms that can have a variety of different underlying causes.

The reasons of numbness in hands and feet may include extreme sensations like prickling, tingling, prickling and/or complete absence of feelings. Such sensations and extreme conditions may considerably influence quality of life and have impact on daily routines.

It is important to find out the potential reasons of numbness in hands and feet as it has a direct bearing on finding solutions regarding diagnosis and treatment of it in timely manner before emergence of complications.  

This article will explore the various reasons of numbness in hands and feet in order to better understand the root causes to recognize relevant, objective and authentic treatment and medical care.

Here are some reasons of numbness in hands and feet which have significant influence on individual’s life style, living and daily routines. The reasons of numbness in hands and feet are:

Peripheral Neuropathy

The fundamental reasons of numbness in hands and feet are conditions of peripheral neuropathy. Such condition are characterized by certain damage of the peripheral nerves which can results in a variety of sensory disturbances like tingling , numbness and pain in extreme conditions.

The Peripheral neuropathy condition may be caused due to multiple factors which may include:


The diabetic conditions which remain uncontrolled or poorly managed may lead towards peripheral neuropathy.

The hypertension and higher blood sugar levels are linked with diabetes which may damage small blood vessels which ultimately contribute in eruption of certain reasons of numbness in hands and feet.

Deficiency of Vitamins

Vitamin deficiencies like deficiencies of folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin E can add towards the progress of peripheral neuropathy. Such imbalance of nutrients may damage nerves function and lead towards numbness.

Autoimmune disorders

The peripheral nerves may also damage due to abnormal immune response of our immune system affected by certain autoimmune disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome.

Trauma or injuries

Certain physical injuries like nerve compression or entrapment can easily disturb the normal functioning of the peripheral nerves which results in numbness or disturbing tingling sensations.

Toxin’s exposure

The exposure to certain medications, chemicals or deadly environmental toxins like heavy metals can also contribute in peripheral nerve damage and lead towards numbness in the hands and feet.

The understanding and comprehension of such underlying reasons of numbness in hands and feet are considered really important in treatment of peripheral neuropathy.

In this context, the medications play a vital role in alleviation of nerve pain, certain lifestyle modifications and in some other cases, surgical interventions to properly tackle particular nerve compression or entrapment issue.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is among prime reasons of numbness in hands and feet. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when median nerve compress which is present inside the human wrist through the carpal tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is frequently connected with recurring hand and wrist motions due to certain job related responsibility or due to nature of work. There are numerous factors which contribute in occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome are as follows:

Repetitive wrist and hand movements

Certain jobs and hobbies that engage in recurrent exploitation of hands and wrists like typing, working on assembly line and playing certain musical instruments can lead towards progress of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Causal medical conditions

Certain health circumstances like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism can augment the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens due to the inflammations or swelling in carpal tunnels.

Hormonal changes and pregnancy

Certain hormonal variations and fluid retentions while pregnancy can lead towards compression and swelling of the median nerves which ultimately results in carpal tunnel syndrome.

Trauma or wrist injuries

The injuries, fractures or sprains to the wrist can become reason of inflammations and scar tissue formations which can contribute in compression of the median nerves.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome frequently comprised on numbness, tingling or a burning sensations in fingers however it particularly affect thumb, index, and middle fingers.

In extreme conditions people may experience weakness and complexity in gripping or grasping certain things.

Carpal tunnel syndrome treatments may include various options starting from using anti-inflammatory medicines, splinting, and physiotherapy or in certain extreme conditions surgical interventions and steroid injections may be exploited through proper advice of medical practitioner.


Radiculopathy is severe condition which is characterized by certain nerve root compressions or irritations which can also lead towards numbness in hands and feet.

Radiculopathy is seldom linked with certain severe spinal issues like herniated discs, spinal stenosis and degenerative changes in the human spine.

When a nerve root becomes irritated or compressed then it may result in variety of common symptoms like:

  • Numbness or tingling in the consequent dermatome.
  • Weakness in the muscles innervated by the affected nerve roots.
  • Severe pain that start from the spine down the inflicted limb.

Radiculopathy can happen in different locations of spine which lead towards discrete pattern of numbness and tingling.

For example in cervical Radiculopathy the neck nerves get affected which results in tingling and numbness in hands and arms. Similarly, in lumber Radiculopathy affect nerves of lower back and cause tingling and numbness in feet and legs.

Radiculopathy can be treated through physical therapies and certain surgical interventions to get rid of acute reasons of numbness in hands and feet.

Circulatory Issues

Impaired circulation is also linked with progression of numbness in the hands and feet. In the impaired circulation conditions the blood vessels affected badly which consequently affect oxygen and nutrient supply which results in sensations of numbness or tingling.

There are some common circulatory issues which can cause numbness like:

Raynaud’s phenomenon

Raynaud’s is a condition in which constriction of small blood vessels occurs typically in reply to cold temperatures or higher stress levels which lead towards reduced blood flow to fingers and toes.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

PAD is a condition in which the arteries that supply blood to the limbs turn into narrowed or blocked condition which happens due to the buildup of plaque. Such condition is responsible in poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

A DVT is blood clots that form in deep veins especially in the leg, which results in obstruction of blood flow and cause numbness, tingling, and swelling in affected limbs.


In the conditions of anemia especially in iron-deficiency anemia, oxygen carrying capacity badly affect which results in reduced blood supply which cause numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Neurological Conditions

Certain neurological conditions may become big reasons among major reasons of numbness in hands and feet.

Such neurological conditions may involve central nervous system i.e. human spine and brain and peripheral nervous system which lead towards disruption of signals through nerves which ultimately results in numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Here are various neurological conditions which can cause numbness in hands and feet like:

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis is basically an autoimmune disorder which adversely impact human central nervous system. It leads towards destruction of the friendly myelin sheath around nerve fibers.

Such conditions which arise due to certain neurological reactions cause sensations of numbness and tingling in the extremities.


A stroke is considered as a severe and deadly neurological disorder which is caused by disruption in blood supply to the brain which can damage certain areas of human brain which are responsible for sensations results in numbness or tingling on one side of the body.

Parkinson’s disease

It is still under lot of research agenda, however, it is observed that  the people confronting from Parkinson’s disease may exhibit certain symptoms of neurological connection and may also experience numbness or tingling in hands and feet due to neurological linkages.

In order to successfully address such neurological conditions one may require a holistic approach which involves in a combination of medication, physical therapy and surgical interventions to manage, diagnose and treat the neurological illnesses and their root causes to avoid the sensations of numbness and tingling in hands and feet.


There are numerous reasons of numbness in hands and feet from peripheral neuropathy and circulatory issues to neurological conditions and metabolic disorders.

In order to effectively and thoroughly understand the reasons of numbness in hands and feet one must exclusively comprehend the fundamental symptoms. It is vital to get timely diagnosis and treatment and seek medical attention from medical practitioner to avoid complications.

Through better recognizing reasons of numbness in hands and feet the healthcare providers can easily chalk out symptoms which may further help in devising certain coping strategies.

Finally, it is crystal clear now that the reasons of numbness in hands and feet can easily be avoided through better understanding about root causes and symptoms.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to seek immediate attention of medical practitioner and engage in medicines, treatments and in some cases undergo certain surgical intervention to fight against such se reasons of numbness in hands and feet and live a happy healthy life.


What are reasons of numbness in hands and feet?

The reasons of numbness in hands and feet may include extreme sensations like prickling, tingling, prickling and/or complete absence of feelings.

What are the treatment options of numbness in hands and feet?

Physical therapies, medications and surgical interventions.

Are such symptoms of numbness in hands and feet are lethal?

Yes, such symptoms may require timely assistance of medical practitioner.

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