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Allergies, every year, affect around 50 million people in US which turns into hay fever of rhinitis. Allergies erupts right after seasonal shifts which results in runny nose, cough and itching in eyes. But, proper food management and utilization of anti allergic foods could assist in overcoming allergies.

About 7.8% people more than 18 years of age in US have hay fever allergies. Around the globe allergic rhinitis affects around 10-30% of population. IgE (Sensitization for Foreign Proteins) is present in about 40% worldwide. According to NHIS survey in 2021, around 25.7% people ranging from 18-44 years of age confronts seasonal allergies.

Actually, allergies happen due to over reaction of our own immune system against certain least harmful substances. According to American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, human body reacts against pollens, dust particles and animal dander and release cascade chemical which further activate mast cells of body which further responsible for the release of histamine. Due to these chemical inflammatory symptoms erupts which cause eyes, throat and nasal passage swelling, allergies and irritation. 

In this article, the prime emphasis will be on seasonal allergies and their precautions along with the food alternates to curb allergies. Seasonal allergies are often characterized as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. It happens due to over reaction of the immune system against certain allergens.

The allergies affect lot of people therefore it is also important to shortly discuss types of allergies as well. There are basically 4 types of allergies depending upon the immune system reaction against triggers. The 4 types of allergies are as follows:

Immediate Hypersensitivity (Type 1)

It is a really common type of allergy which occurs due to exposure to the pet dander, pollen or mite or any specific food item. On exposure to such allergen the bodyโ€™s immune system produce an antibody called as Immunogubulin E (IgE).

IgE combined with mast cells and basophils and release histamine. After release of histamine symptoms of sneezing, skin rash, watery eyes and itching erupts.

Cytotoxic Reaction (Type 2)

It is happen in response of immune system hyper activity. It leads towards kidney problems, rash and joint pain because in this type of allergy immune system destroys the cells which immune system considers pathogens mistakenly.

The common examples of such allergies can be transfusion reaction, drug reaction and hemolytic anemia.

Immune Complex Reaction (Type 3)

Here, immune system produces anti bodies and antigens which both make immune complex. The immune complexes strive to accumulate in tissues and cause inflammations. It happens in diseases like erytheematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. It results in problem in kidneys, joint pain and rash.

Delayed hyper sensitivity (Type 4)

In this type of allergy immune system responses after 48-72 hours against an allergen. This type of allergy mediated by special type of cells called T Cells. Poison and metal allergy are its types. It causes skin rash, swelling and itching.


As far as, treatment of allergies is concerned then anti-histamine and allergies causing agents must be avoided. However, there are certain natural foods alternatives are better in facilitating in alleviating allergies and help in their natural treatments. Those foods are as follows:


Ginger is helpful in overcoming un- pleasant allergies symptoms naturally like irritation and swelling of nasal passages, eyes and throat.  It is evident through historical findings that ginger remained an effective natural remedy against joint pain and nausea.

A study conducted in 2016 on mice revealed that ginger helps in fighting against seasonal allergies due to having antioxidant, anti inflammatory characteristics along with phyto-chemical compounds.

It is also noteworthy that one can use ginger in both dried and fresh form to reap maximum benefits. It can be used in tea, curries, in fries or in making of baked goods.


Bee pollen can be edible not only for bees but also for human. It is basically a mixture of honey, enzymes, nectar, and wax and flower pollen.  It is also used in curing hay fever.  A study revealed that bee pollen contains mast cells which are considered extremely important in combating against allergic reactions.

Pollen bee has antimicrobial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties. It is also researched evident that local bee pollen consumption is more beneficial in curing against pollen allergies.

The bee pollen could be consumed small pellets or through sprinkling on to yogurt, cereal or in smoothies.


Citrus fruits like lemon, limes, oranges and grapefruits are helpful in preventing common colds. It is also observed that they prevent adverse effects of allergic reactions and rhinitis. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consume vitamin C rich fruits during seasonal shifts to boost energy and maximum immunity.


Turmeric is considered as a very strong anti inflammatory agent. It contains a substance named as curcumin which has the capacity to reduce acute symptoms of inflammations, irritations, swelling and allergic rhinitis. However, the effects of turmeric on curing seasonal allergies need more research. 

Turmeric can be consumed in shape of tinctures, teas, pills or directly as food. There is one thing which needs to be taken into consideration that whenever you take turmeric must coupled it with black pepper because black pepper has the capacity to increase bioavailability of curcumin to 2000%.


Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients. A tomato contains about 26% of vitamin C in relation to daily recommended intake. Furthermore, tomato contains lycopene which is an antioxidant which is helpful against inflammations. It also important to note that lycopene is absorbed much faster after cooking so try to use cooked tomato or in canned for maximum benefits.


The research findings suggest that fish contain omega 3 fatty acids which are really important in curing asthma and helps increase resistance against allergies because if a person contain more eicosapentaenoic (EPA) in blood he will be in less risk against allergies or hay fever.

It is also observed that the anti inflammatory properties in fatty acids helps in keep airway open which is beneficial against asthma because in it airways get narrower.

It is recommended to take at least 8 ounces of fish in a week. Salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel are the best options to boost immunity and get relief against allergies.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also present in flaxseed and walnuts.


Onions are part of daily recipe in sub continent and also part of almost all cooked traditional dishes. It is really healthy because it contains quercetin.

Some research studies reveal that quercetin act as an antihistamine agent and helps in minimizing certain allergic symptoms.

The red onions are rich in quercetin however white onion and scallions have ample amount of quercetin as well. Avoid cooked onions because cooking minimizes quercetin values so it is recommended to use raw onions as salad, dips or toppings. 

Apart from these benefits, onions are also a very powerful prebiotic food which helps in nourishment and growth of friendly gut bacteria which enhances immunity and overall well being.


Apple also contains quercetin along with other foods like onion, capers, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, shallots, tomatoes and tea. Quercetin in apple helps in enhancing resistance against allergies due to anti inflammatory, anti viral and anti oxidant nature.


Oranges are the power house of vitamin C. It renders lot of freshness, energy and it is also beneficial against common colds.  The use of oranges increases the immunity and also has beneficial impact on skin and other body functions. Along with oranges, other foods like strawberries, red pepper and broccoli are also beneficial.


Magnesium is in high concentration in almonds and cashews. Magnesium is really important for reducing stress, inflammations and beneficial in regulating blood pressures, insulin metabolism and nerve transmission. Apart from nuts there are also other food options which contain maximum amounts of magnesium which are meat, fish, legumes, fruits, bran and kelp.


The seasonal variations render charm and variety but also bring certain diseases and allergies. Actually, most of the allergies are because of over reaction of our immune system. However, there are certain foods which carry anti inflammatory and anti allergic properties.  

The foods like onion, turmeric, fish, apple, oranges, nuts, tomato and ginger provide you an additional shield against certain allergies. Although, it doesnโ€™t mean to utilize the said foods only and avoid to seek valuable medical attention. 

The industrialization and urbanization from last almost 50 years also contributed towards the allergies especially in third world countries where the environmental concerns get least importance in relation to personal interests of industrialists. The pollutions, dust, smog, smoke, pollutants, hydro carbons and other chemical exposures do not only contribute towards unhealthy environment but also pose serious threats to the human health and over all wellbeing.

Finally, it is recommended to enhance quality of life by employing balanced diet in daily routines. Nutrition and balanced diet will definitely provide ample amount of energy and strong immune system to fight against certain allergies.


Are allergies common?

Yes. But it also depends upon immunity.

Do you think only foods are sufficient to avoid allergies?

No. Balanced diet along with doctor advice.

Should one drink fruit juices of raw food is preferable?

Raw fruits and food are more preferable.

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