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Utility of High Intensity Interval Trainings: Amalgamation of 2 Powerful Holistic Approaches in Sports

In today’s vibrant world of intensive competition in all sports, the utility of high intensity interval trainings (HIIT) and rehabilitation exercises have become utmost importance for optimum athletic performance.

The utility of high intensity interval trainings cannot be overlooked because these physical activities assist in enhancing athletic endurance and physical strength.

The introduction of combined effect of rehabilitation exercises and the utility of high intensity interval trainings has already transformed the face of the sports.

The Understanding about the Utility of High Intensity Interval Training

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has attained worldwide fame among in the athletes and fitness personnel alike owing to its capacity to distribute extraordinary outcome in comparatively shorter period of time.

The utility of high intensity interval trainings is remarkable due to the fact that it is different from the orthodox weight lifting rather it emphasize more on the intensive exercises which always followed by the time to recover.

The utility of high intensity interval trainings of HIIT intensified because it helps in enhancement of physiological after effects in positive sense.

While indulging in high intensity exercises the body performance increases up to its peak which stimulates the series of certain metabolic responses.

HIIT enhances the anaerobic capability, increases fat burning processes and also improve oxygen utilization. However, in recovery periods of active routines like while cycling and jogging at reasonable speed, permits the body to breathe freely while maintaining an increased pulse rate.

The beneficial outcomes of utility of high intensity interval trainings and rehabilitation exercises are far reaching. By indulging in high intensity exercises and physically active routines, athletes may experience:

Improvement in Anaerobic and Aerobic Performance

The variations in high intensity exercises and recovery time periods pose a challenge to anaerobic and aerobic systems which ultimately ensure higher levels of endurance, fitness, speed and performance.

Promote Fat Metabolism

Utility of high intensity interval trainings is manifolds as it helps in healthy fat loss and improves overall body shape. It becomes more effective for those athletes who want to remain lean, healthy and active at the same time which enhances their overall performance.

Enhancement of Cardiac Health

High intensity interval trainings helps in improvement of cardiovascular health as such exercise pose serious stress on heart which leads towards increments in volumes of strokes and also improve heart/pulse rate which ultimately leads towards better heart health.

Reduction of Risk of Injuries

Owing to extreme utility of high intensity interval trainings the strength of muscles, joints endurance and stability and coordination of nervous system and muscles increases which increases the performance of the athlete in sports and avoid risks of injuries.

Training Regimen Intensified By HIIT

If an athlete is willing to get full utility of high intensity interval trainings then an athlete must integrate training plans and high intensity trainings. The designing of an effective HIIT training plans based upon the current fitness level of athlete, demand of any specific sports and stage of the cycle of overall training plan.

There is an effective approach in proper structuring of high intensity trainings i.e. to make HIIT trainings as accomplishment for the fundamental strength, endurance and performance of athlete.

For instance, for an athlete involved in long distance running may include HIIT in his training program at least twice a week with a main focus on track intervals, ladder exercises and hill sprints.  

It is pertinent to note that during high intensity interval trainings the duration of sessions will gradually increase in order to provide a chance to the athlete to adapt to conditions in order to increase strength and endurance.

In initial stages of such training sessions the time of session should be 20-30 seconds for a beginner followed by a resting time. But, afterwards the session and resting time continue to reduce with relatively shorter intervals. One thing is important to note that recovery time should be adequate as such intensive trainings pose serious stress on the whole body.

The Significance of Rehabilitation Exercises in Sports

Although the utility of high intensity interval trainings is extremely high yet the benefits of rehabilitation exercises for the long run benefits of an athlete cannot be overlooked.

The sportsmen are prone to variety of injuries throughout their careers ranging from muscle injuries to certain chronic injuries including bone damages. In such conditions rehabilitations exercises and trainings become really important to increase body resilience and strength.

Rehabilitation exercises are intended to tackle particular impairments or limitations recognized during the evaluation and assessment processes. Such rehabilitation exercises may include:

Variety of Motion Exercises

Improvement in joint flexibility and utilizing certain variety of motion exercises are vital for prevention of injuries and maximum movement and speed. The main exercises like dynamic stretch and joint’s mobilization are considered important in rehabilitations.

Amplification Exercises

Certain imbalances in muscles and their weaknesses are more prone to encounter serious injuries. Such strengthen exercises may include light weights or resistance bands which assist in maintaining muscles balance and also support the weak areas.

Balancing and Proprioceptive Trainings

If an athletic body is unable to sense and realize its position and its movements it is called weaker proprioceptive endurance. The athletes who encounter issues concerning balancing and proprioceptive issues, they become more susceptible towards injuries. Therefore, in such conditions athletic trainings on neuromuscular endurances and control become inevitable.

Cardiovascular Fitness

Higher levels of cardiovascular fitness are vital for an athlete. Owing to which the athletes are advised to involve in low impact training exercises like swimming, cycling and other elliptical trainings to increase activity and fitness. Such exercises help in increasing aerobic activity, increase blood flow and helps in fighting against injuries.

An All-Inclusive Advancement in Sports Performance

Through combining both HIIT and rehabilitation training exercises into athletic training regimen, athletes can attain a complete and holistic approach to sports performance.

This vibrant amalgamation not only addresses the physical requirements of their sports but also increases their overall flexibility and injury control capabilities.

There are some recommendations to athletes in order to effectively utilizing the HIIT and rehabilitation exercises.

The key recommendations are as follows:

Preparation in Off Season Phases

During the off seasons, most of the athletes can spotlight on construction of a solid base for fitness and injury resilience. Such time periods may be considered as unique opportunities to embark on HIIT exercises in order to pick up aerobic and anaerobic capacities as well as to address any lasting injuries or imbalances through embattled rehabilitation exercises.

Such off season phases may prove an opportunity for the athletes to better recover from injuries, work more on their weak areas and increase endurance and performance.

Mid Season Maintenance

During the peak seasons, athletes must strive to maintain a subtle balance between sustaining peak performance and administration of the physical demands of their specific sports.

The athletes may emphasize more during the season as they are in better position to identify weak areas and to note down them for improvements as if they linger on to longer period of times then they could cause serious injuries which may deteriorate their performance and may also spoil their careers.

Rehabilitation and Recovery from Injuries

In case of any injury, a thorough rehabilitation trainings and high intensity interval trainings programs should be launched to effectively deal with injuries to make their return towards their sports. Such, amalgamation of intensive trainings and rehabilitations recovery process may speed up and further injuries may be avoided.

The rehabilitations exercises helps in identifying weaknesses and also focus more on the improvements to tackle the issues accordingly.

Restorations in Off Seasons

The off seasons are basically opportunities for the athletes to more focus on their abilities and capabilities. The injuries may be properly handled and rehabilitations could take place.

The athletes may help themselves in increasing their strength, immunity and fitness and may also emphasize upon their fitness and endurance. Furthermore, the athletes may also focus on their weak areas and areas of improvements to strengthen their weaknesses to reap maximum benefits ahead.


Through acceptance of such versatile approaches to high intensity interval training and rehabilitation exercises an athlete can easily unlock their factual potential, optimize their full performance and can reduce the risks of injuries through better understanding utility of high intensity interval trainings and rehabilitations.

The vibrant combination of high intensity interval trainings and rehabilitation exercises empower athletes to thrust the limits of their physical capability while maintaining the required resilience to resist the rigors of competitions in sports.

Finally, the need of higher standards of health, fitness and endurance is multifactor in real. A well versed athlete must comprehend the importance of holistic approaches of fitness through incorporating both high intensity workout trainings and rehabilitation exercises.

Through, incorporating both HIIT and rehabilitations an athlete could mainly focus on the proactive, in season and off season trainings which will definitely help in maintaining higher standards of fitness and helps in avoiding serious injuries. Furthermore, such adoption of holistic approaches further help in optimum endurance, highest performances and timely goal achievements for an athlete.


What is HIIT?

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training

What is utility of high intensity interval trainings?

The utility of high intensity interval trainings is remarkable due to the fact that it is different from the orthodox weight lifting rather it emphasize more on the intensive exercises which always followed by the time to recover.

When rehabilitations are required?

In case of injury or areas of weakness

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