Infectious DiseasesCOVID-19


Pink Eye

Pink eye is an infection of eyes which is caused due to the inflammation of tissues of conjunctiva (lining of eyelid). It occurs due to the bacteria, virus, allergens and irritating stimuli. Pink eye treatment depends upon the severity of problem and type of allergen. However, certain type of eye drops, ointments, tablets and water flushes may be used for cure.

Pakistan is currently confronting with the Pink Eye outbreak. Province of Punjab has reported about 394000 cases in year 2023. According to reports, about 452 new cases are reported in Lahore on 30th of September, 2023. The education minister has shut down schools to overcome the outbreak.

What Pink Eye Means?

Pink eye is basically an inflammation or redness of conjunctiva. It is a tissue which covers the inner surface of eye and also outer coating of eye. The prime function of this tissue is to maintain moisture level for eyelid and eyeball. There are several stimuli for pink eye i.e. virus, bacteria and other allergens.

What is Medical name of Pink Eye?

Conjunctivitis is a medical name of pink eye. The conjunctivitis may b in one or both eye at the same time.

How Pink Eye Look Like?

The eye having inflammation displays a light pink to red color of white portion of eye. Eye lids become puffy and droopy as well. The discharge of fluid from infected eye and crusting on eyelids and eye lashes are common in conjunctivitis.  

Most of the time, people get confused between a stye and pink eye. Stye is basically a painful blister which pops up inside or on the eyelid almost in close proximity of eye lashes. While, a conjunctivitis inflammation occurs on eye lids and outer surface of eye. Pink eye do not results in bumps inside of around eyelids.

Stye is caused due to infection of oil glands in eyelids. While, a conjunctivitis is caused due to virus, bacteria and other irritants.

Is Pink Eye a Common?

Conjunctivitis is a common type of eye infection among adults and children. US face almost 6 million cases of conjunctivitis every year.

What Are Symptoms of Pink Eye?

There are several symptoms of Conjunctivitis which are as follows:

  • Raised level of tears
  • Reddish white part of eye
  • Green/white discharge of fluid from eye
  • Formation of crust
  • Feelings of grittiness in one or both of the eyes
  • Eye burning
  • Vision blurredness
  • Light sensitiveness
  • Eyelid swelling

How to be Sure Whether Its Pink Eye or Not?

Well, the health care provider or concerned medical practitioner can diagnose whether itโ€™s Conjunctivitis or not. However, when one see white portion of eye red or pink it shows that itโ€™s a conjunctivitis infection.

What Cause Pink Eye?

The conjunctivitis infection is an inflammation which occurs when blood vessels in eyes gets inflammation. The major causes of conjunctivitis are as follows:

  • Viruses are prime cause of pink eye. Corona viruses like cold and Covid-19 are viruses which may develop pink eye.
  • Bacteria are the second in influence. The major types of bacteria which cause conjunctivitis are Haemophilus Influenza, Staphtococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumonia and pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Other allergens like pollens, molds and irritants also cause conjunctivitis.
  • The irritants like shampoos, contact lenses, cosmetic products, smog, smoke, dirt, pollution or chlorine may also cause conjunctivitis.
  • Herpes simplex virus and gonorrhea/Chlamydia can cause conjunctivitis infections.
  • Obstruction or blockage of tear ducts
  • The rare conditions of overreaction of immune system may also cause pink eye as a result of action against foreign objects in eyes.

Is Pink Eye a Contagious Disease?

Yes, itโ€™s a most contagious disease. It may cause infections to others even the carrier may not realize whether he is carrying the virus or not. It further spread if an infected individual touches his own eyes and touches other objects or person. Extreme care is required to prevent its spread.

A person having bacterial infection / conjunctivitis may spread disease for 24 to 48 hours.

In case of viral Conjunctivitis infection you may spread virus as long as you have the symptoms. It may last for several days even. One can spread disease even knowing it.

How Pink Eye Spread?

The conjunctivitis infections spread through touching and hand shaking. Actually, the infected person shakes hands with others and transmits the infections. The victim touches the eyes and infection easily transfers the host.

The infection could also be spread by touching the contaminated surfaces. If one is not prone to wash hands regularly then the disease will promptly spread and cause further damage.

Among females, it could also spread through contaminated make ups

The disease can also be transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse. The semen or vaginal fluids could easily spread pink eye.

How to Diagnose Pink Eye?

The Ophthalmologist or pediatrician will diagnose the Conjunctivitis. The patient should provide overall history to the medical practitioner for early and exact diagnosis. He must share any exposure to chemicals, irritants or sexual intercourse with infected person.

The infected person must share family history as well in case of auto immune conditions. The doctor may take certain tests like soft tipped stick test to get sample from around the eye area secretions. The lab will further take tests to diagnose its pink eye or not.

How to Identify Root Cause of Pink Eye?

As discussed earlier, the conjunctivitis may be of viral or bacterial origin. Although redness and itching along with other symptoms are common in both viral and bacterial infections yet there are certain factors which help in determining the root causes. The factors are as follows:

  • Virus affects adults
  • Bacteria affects children
  • If a child is having a bacterial conjunctivitis then there is also a possibility of ear infections as well
  • If the discharge is in large amounts itโ€™s a clear indication of bacterial infection
  • If whitish part of the eye is pink its viral infection. While reddishness occurs in bacterial infections.
  • If the both eyes are infected then there is a probability of viral infections.

What is treatment of Pink Eye?

The treatment of Conjunctivitis depends upon the troubling agent i.e. virus or bacteria. Viral pink eye infection may not need any treatment in most of the cases unless itโ€™s due to viruses like herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster or any STI. However, serious infections may need antiviral treatments. Untreated viral infections may lead towards vision loss or scar in eyes. Antibiotics are not as effective in curing the viral Conjunctivitis.

If the Conjunctivitis is due to the exposure to certain irritants then rinse eyes properly for 5-10 minutes with warm water. The eyes may become normal after rinsing them. If the condition persists then contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

If the Conjunctivitis is due to the allergies then certain eye drops become really effective if medical practitioner suggests. If the pink eye is due to the STI then also contact medical practitioner.

The new born babies may also get Conjunctivitis which may become really fatal and may cause vision loss. The infected female carrying pink eye infection through STI must focus on its treatment before delivery otherwise the child may become sick. US hospitals have a common practice to apply ointment to every newly born child to avoid such infections.

How long Pink Eye Infection Last?

In case of bacterial conjunctivitis, the lapse time is within a week. Improved eye care and prescription of medical practitioner must be followed.

However, viral conjunctivitis may lasts for 4-7 days. But, in most of cases it requires about 14 days to fully recover.

Things to Consider to Prevent and Cure Pink Eye

In order to prevent Conjunctivitis certain things must be pondered on like:

  • Donโ€™t rub infected eye
  • Donโ€™t hand shake with infected person
  • Wash hands
  • Wash eyes 2-3 times a day to wipe out any secretion or discharge
  • Wash hands before application of eye drops or ointments.
  • Avoid contact lenses
  • Avoid using make up of infected person. Avoid sharing make up kits, towels, handkerchief, cloths or cups.


Pink eye or conjunctivitis is serious yet treatable eye inflammation. It may be causes due to virus, bacteria, allergens and other irritants. The treatment depends upon the nature, condition and origin of the inflammation. Certain conjunctivitis may be cured by themselves but in some cases prescription and suggestion of medical practitioner becomes inevitable.

The conjunctivitis may affect not only adults and children but also newly born children. Sexually transmitted infections require timely treatment to avoid inconveniences in future. Untreated infections may be transmitted to children at the time of delivery.

In order to prevent and overcome the onslaught of Conjunctivitis, one must follow strict guidelines i.e. avoid shake hand, proper hand washing, avoid using contaminated contact lenses, avoid sharing make up kits, avoid using utensils of infected person.

Pink eye is fatal yet treatable. Therefore, one must keep high standards of eye care and hygiene to prevent and overcome conjunctivitis infection.


What Pink Eye Means?

Pink eye is basically an inflammation or redness of conjunctiva. It is a tissue which covers the inner surface of eye and also outer coating of eye.

What is Medical name of Pink Eye?

Conjunctivitis is a medical name of pink eye. The conjunctivitis may b in one or both eye at the same time.

How Pink Eye Look Like?

The eye having inflammation or pink eye infection displays a light pink to red color of white portion of eye. Eye lids become puffy and droopy as well. The discharge of fluid from infected eye and crusting on eyelids and eye lashes are common is pink eye or conjunctivitis. ย 

Is Pink Eye a Contagious Disease?

Yes, itโ€™s a most contagious disease. It may cause infections to others even the carrier may not realize whether he is carrying the virus or not. It further spread if an infected individual touches his own eyes and touches other objects or person. Extreme care is required to prevent its spread.

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