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Nurturing Through Complimentary Feeding Supported by 3 Best Multi Mix Strategies

Complimentary Feeding

Complimentary feeding requirement increases when baby reaches an age of 6 months. Around the age of 6 months, a baby’s requirement for energy and nutrition begins to increase what is given by breastfeeding, and complimentary feeding varieties are important to address those issues. A newborn child of this age is additionally formatively prepared for different food varieties. This progress is alluded to as integral taking care of. Initial 1000 days of child are most important period of life for overall growth and development through complimentary feeding.

In the event that complimentary feeding varieties are not presented around the age of a half year or on the other hand in the event that they are given improperly, a newborn child’s development might waver.

Guaranteeing that babyโ€™s wholesome necessities are met expects that complimentary feeding varieties be:


 Implying that they are presented when the requirement for energy and nutrition surpasses what can be given through select breastfeeding.


 Implying that they give adequate energy, protein and micronutrients to meet a developing kid’s healthful necessities.


 Implying that they are cleanly put away and ready, and took care of with clean hands utilizing clean utensils and not containers and nipples.


 Implying that they are given reliable with a kid’s signs of hunger and satiety, and that feast recurrence and taking care of are reasonable for age.

Parental figures ought to take dynamic consideration in the taking care of babies by being receptive to the kid’s hints for hunger and furthermore uplifting the youngster to eat.


  • When a baby reaches an age of 6 month, the complimentary food including solid or semi solid should be started by keeping in view the required level of energy for growth and development.
  • Few mothers start complimentary feeding either late of gave inadequately which cause malnutrition among children.
  • Keep continue mother feeding along with complimentary food to keep baby healthy for at least 2 years
  • It must be taken care that those food items must be fed to child which are under the purchasing power and have high nutrition value of parents to avoid any shortage in future.
  • Healthy oils are helpful in making food more delicious and increases the nutritious values that why healthy oil utilization must be encouraged.
  • The vitamin A, C and iron enriched diets should be given to child
  • Mothers should feed a child with porridge or other soft diets to further add nutrition to diets which may prove healthier for child.


Initially a child should be fed with wheat porridge, mashed banana and mishmash (Khichri: a combination of rice and lentils) and with the passage of time keeping in view convenience and easiness of other add other food groups as well.

It is more advisable to mix two or three types of diets to provide more nutrition to child. In most of sub-continental countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh mothers like to add Khichri into child diet, which is a very effective example of multi mix diet because it include rice, pulse and oil at the same time. Similarly in Pakistan Mix vegetable concept in Pakistan is also prevalent and not only child but also adult like it. At home mothers use to mix potatoes, carrots, peas and oil to make mix vegetables dish to make it more nutritious and healthy.


The aim of multi mix diet is to enrich food with multiple items from different 5 food groups to provide nutrition and essential vitamins. Multi mix food increases nutritious value but not increase volume. There are 3 types of multi mix diets which are as follows:


The two mix meal is the most easy, cheaper and effective mix diet recipe which also require least time to manage. The examples are:

  • Rice with lentils or beans, peas or peanuts etc
  • Flatbread (Roti) , Vegetable with meat
  • Peanut butter and bread


This meal is also based upon the two mix meal concept by adding three or more food groups items into the diet to make food nutritious and healthier. The examples are:

  • Rice , peas and meat along with oil
  • Flatbread (Roti) with fish, tomatoes and vegetables
  • Spinach with potatoes, meat, crushed mint and oil with Roti (Flatbread).


In this type of food four food groups are added at the same time to provide excessive energy required for adults. The examples are:

  • Chinese rice made up of rice, peas, carrots, potatoes, sweat peppers and chicken and cooked in oil.
  • BBQ chicke/mutton along with rice, salads, beans etc


The mothers should not start a child with weaning before an age of 6 months or so because of multiple reasons which are as follows;

  • The food started before 6 months may replace mother milk which may cause malnutrition
  • Most of mothers start watery porridge or soup to child before 6 months which may cause under nutrition.
  • Early feeding may increase threat of infections, diarrhea or other diseases.
  • Owing to the fact that such diets are not easily digestible for child thatโ€™s why may cause diarrhea.
  • As the child is not capable of digestion of non human vitamins it cause certain allergies.
  • If consistent breastfeeding not took place then it may increase the chances of further pregnancy.


Complementary feeding should be started in certain pace and step wise to identify whether a child is digesting the food or not and what a child like to eat.


  • Start weaning right after 6 months because a child require other foods along with mother milk
  • A child should be given a mix diet like mashed chicken with rice, spinach with carrots and potatoes, Khichri, porridge, mashed potatoes, eggs and bananas. Its more advisable to give a food to child in mashed food for at least first 9 months.
  • While mother feeding, mother can give 1-2 time food
  • The food quantity should be 1/3 rd of cup every time.


  • Give a child an adequate quantity of food comprised of any item like rice, wheat, potatoes, porridge, fish, pulses and lentils, peas, milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, meat, egg, green vegetables, tomatoes, fruits and fats.
  • Always give mashed really small morsels to child so that the child could easily eat and digest.
  • Give a food to child from 3-4 times a day
  • Increase the diet from 1/3 rd of a cup to half of it gradually.


  • Whenever child want mother should breastfeed child
  • Provide and feed appropriate quantity of food like flatbread, khichri, rice, chicken, egg, vegetables etc
  •  Give a food to child from 3-4 times a day and give lighter diets between meals
  • Feed a child with apples, bananas, mangoes and oranges. Also add yogurt, roti, egg and other food items as well.
  • Increase the meal from ยฝ of cup to 1 cup for 3-4 times a day.


  • Feed a child with a small spoon and place food on back side of tongue while keeping food a bit thick
  • Initially a child may spit the food instantly because of taste issues. In such circumstances mother has to be very patience because child may require time to accept the taste and food.
  • Donโ€™t switch between different diets rather try to continue a specific diet for few days to understand liking of a child or to identify any allergy.
  • Try to give food to child in a mashed form till 9 months of age
  • Mother must keep herself a child clean and make food safe and healthy.  Mother and child must hand wash before starting a meal.
  • The food should be freshly cooked. Donโ€™t try to give food to a child which is frozen or melted.


In conclusion, the idea of offering complimentary feeding to kids conveys significant ramifications for both individual prosperity and cultural advancement. By tending to the wholesome requirements of children, we are shielding their actual wellbeing as well as laying the basis for cognitive development and future accomplishments. The arrangement of nutritious dinners to children, particularly those from distraught foundations, epitomizes a promise to civil rights and equity. It addresses our aggregate liability to guarantee that each child has an equivalent opportunity to develop, learn, and contribute definitively to their societies.

Finally, the arrangement of complimentary feeding schemes for children remains as a fundamental point of support in sustaining better and more joyful ages. By perceiving the basic job that legitimate nutrition plays in a childโ€™s physical and cognitive development, society can all in all pursue guaranteeing that each child approaches nutritious foods. The effect of such drives arrives at a long ways past the quick advantages, cultivating a more grounded starting point for deep rooted prosperity and achievement. As we keep on supporting endeavors that focus on the health and nutrition of our most children, we prepare for a more brilliant and more evenhanded future, where each child can flourish and arrive at their fullest potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Complimentary feeding?

Complementary feeding is defined as the process that starts when breast milk alone or infant formula alone is no longer sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of infants, and therefore other foods and liquids are needed, along with breast milk or a breast milk substitute.

When to start Complimentary feeding?

At age of 6 months

How should I start feeding solid food?

1. When child gets an age of 6 months start semi solid diet
2. At an age of 9 months to 1 year start solids slowly

What are some suitable options for early feeding?

Mashed boiled potatoes, carrots, porridge or khichri

How much should I feed to child?

1. 2-3 times in a day to less than 6 month child
2. 3-4 times in a day to 6 months to 12 months child
3. 3-4 times in a day to 12-24 months child

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