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Fear of Anemia: Fight Against 7 Types of Anemia for a Healthier Tomorrow


Anemia is a condition of scarcity of healthy red blood cells to carry ample amount of oxygen to the tissues of body. Actually, a specific type of iron rich protein named hemoglobin is present in red blood cells which perform a function to carry oxygen to body organs from lungs and give blood a red color.

Anemia has various types depending upon the root causes and has variable tenure of effects. Some may be short term while others may prolong. Anemia may results in tiredness, breathing problem or lethargy.

According to WHO (World Health Organization) reports, around 162 million children less than 5 years of age are confronting with a problem of childhood stunting globally due to anemia. At this pace, it is estimated that around 127 million children will be stunted in 2025.

 Therefore, WHO is aiming to invest all energies to keep this number lower till 100 million children till 2025. The first 1000 days of a child, therefore, are of utmost importance for overall health of a child.  The anemia among females of age 15-49 years is targeted to lower down till 2030 as it is a very important part of Sustainable Development Goals.

The global updates on anemia are really threatening despite modernization and urbanization. World Health Organization (WHO) reports in 2019 revealed that about 29.9% women of 15-49 age group across the world were anemic in 2019, 39.8% children from 6-59 months were anemic and around 60.2% children from 6-59 months children in African regions found anemic in 2019.

Furthermore, WHO is aiming to reduce stunted children up to 40%, reduce anemia in females up to 50%, reduce low birth weight up to 30%, enhance awareness to increase exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months by 50% and keep wasting rate lower than 5% by the year 2025.

There are basically three types of cells which perform certain important body functions like white blood cells helps in fighting against certain infections, red blood cells carry oxygen while platelets assist in blood clotting.

Bone marrow (a spongy material present inside bones) is responsible of making hemoglobin and red blood cells. I order to make blood cells body required folate, iron, vitamin B12 and other nutrients.

The life of red blood cells ranges between 90-120 days. After cells maturity body discarded old cells and replaces with new one. Actually, kidneys hold a hormone named erythropoietin which signals bone marrow to fill the gap of red blood cells by making new ones.

Anemia can be classified into three main categories i.e. mild, moderate or severe. It may be considered as a warning which needs special attention and caution. Intake of nutritious and balanced diet may help in covering adverse effects of anemic conditions.

What are symptoms of anemia?

Anemia signs and symptoms vary according to intensity and type of it. Initially, it may seem mild and less effective yet in longer run it presents serious health problems. The condition may become really worse if it remain unaddressed.

It may exhibit certain signs and symptoms which are as follows:

  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Shortening of breath
  • Yellow or pale skin
  • Irregular pulse (heart beat)
  • Tiredness
  • Pain in chest
  • Lightheadedness
  • Headache
  • Cold hand and feet
  • Loss of appetite
  • Numbness
  • Pica syndrome (wish to eat ice)
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nail brittleness
  • Absence of sexual desire among males

What are causes of anemia?

Anemia basically happens due to scarcity of optimal level of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood. It may happens due to certain causes like:

  • The body is incapable to produce enough red blood cells.
  • The bleeding which may lose more blood than being able to be produced timey.
  • When body itself destroy blood cells.

What are types of anemia?

Anemia occurs due to multiple reasons and causes. So, there are various types of anemia on the basis of causes which are as follows:

Iron Deficiency Anemia

It happens when bone marrow refuses to make red blood cells due to iron deficiency. It is more common among pregnant females due to iron deficiency. It may also happen due to heavy menstrual cycles, ulcers or cancer.

Vitamin Deficient Anemia

Like iron, body also need vitamin B12 and folate for red blood cells production absence of which leads towards vitamin deficiency anemic condition. Apart from it, some people also found difficulty in absorbing vitamin B12 which is known as pernicious anemia.

Inflammatory Anemia

There are some diseases which continuously adversely affect red blood cells production. It happens especially in patients of HIV/AIDS, cancer, kidney diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohnโ€™s disease.

Aplastic Anemia

It is a rare but life threatening due to severe inability of body to make enough red blood cells. It happens among patients of infections, autoimmune diseases and exposure to toxic chemicals.

Bone marrow Diseases

Bone marrow related diseases also affect red blood cells production like in patients of leukemia and myelofibrosis. The effects of such problems may range from mild to even life threatening.

Hemolytic Anemia

It happens due to magnified destruction of red blood cells in the body. The new blood cells cannot be produced in the same pace of destruction. It may be inherited.

Sickle Cell Anemia

It may be inherited and may also fall in hemolytic anemic category. In this type of anemia, hemoglobin turns blood cells into a crescent shape called sickle cells. These cells have tendency to die soon which results in continuous scarcity of blood cells. 

What are complications of anemia?

If dealt non-seriously may results in many serious health problems like:

Complications in anemic pregnant females

The females having folate anemia may encounter premature birth problems.


Severe anemia may show severe signs of tiredness and lethargy which disturb daily task performances.

Heart Issues

It may affect heart beat which may become irregular or rapid. This condition is known as arrhythmia. It may also leads towards heart enlargement or heart failure.


Sickle cell anemia and some other serious types of anemia may also cause death and may become fatal. 

What are preventive measures?

Anemia cause serious illnesses if ignored. It is therefore highly recommended to ensure intake of balanced diet and avoid junk food and unhealthy dietary options. A healthy food which may hamper anemic situations may include:


The food rich in iron is more beneficial. Iron rich food are meat, lentils, leafy green vegetables, fruits and beef.


The sources of Folate are rice, bread, cereal, peanuts, leaf green vegetables, peas, kidney bean and fruits.

Vitamin C

The rich sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like lemons, strawberries, oranges and also itโ€™s present in peppers, melons, tomatoes and broccoli.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 also provides ample opportunity to get rid of anemic situations due to red blood cells production. The food which holds ample vitamin B12 are soy products, dairy products, meat and cereals.

Apart from these food options one must follow strict eating routines and avoid taking large meals rather strive to maintain high standards of quality meals without preservatives and fats.

What are risk factors?

The risk factors associated with it are as follows:

  • Unhealthy diet which do not contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
  • The disease associated with small intestine like celiac disease and Crohnโ€™s disease.
  • Loss of excessive blood during periods.
  • The pregnant ladies who do not take iron and folic acid supplements.
  • Having cancer, kidney issues, diabetes or other serious chronic disease which cause destruction of blood cells.
  • The inheritance bases anemic issues and diseases like sickle cell anemic conditions.
  • The people of age more than 65 are at risk.
  • The situations concerning infections, blood related diseases and autoimmune issues may also lead towards anemic situations.

When to consult doctor?

Anyone encountering anemic symptoms like low blood count, headache, shortening of breath and pale skin or loss of appetite should consult medical practitioner right away.

The delay tactics or poor food hygiene may also adversely affect the overall health and well being. The lower level of hemoglobin is a main cause of anemia therefore, if someone is donating blood frequent must pay a visit to doctor and seek guidance to avoid certain threats to the health.


Anemia is considered extremely fatal for the overall health and well being. Anemic conditions may last from short period of time to longer periods of time. Poor food options and poor food hygiene also contributed towards deterioration of health.

One having certain anemic symptoms must consult and a doctor and seek guidance. Furthermore, the inclusion of healthy balanced diet and better quality of life may help in minimizing the threat of anemic sitaution and its adverse effects.

The examination of blood pressure, fever, color of skin and pulse rate may provide ample grounds to medical practitioner to screen out cause of anemia and to avoid stunting and wasting.

As far as, the examination and tests of anemia are concerned it will be suggested by the doctor as per situation and stage of anemia. However, some tests like complete blood count and reticulocyte count may be suggested by doctor to root out main issues.

Finally, it is highly recommended to include balanced diet into daily eating regimen and seek medical guidance in case of any sign or symptom of anemia to address the issue timely. The mothers are strictly suggested to breastfeed their children till age of 2 years to avoid anemia among children.


What is anemia?

Anemia is a condition of scarcity of healthy red blood cells to carry ample amount of oxygen to the tissues of body.

What measures are expected against anemia?

Therefore, WHO is aiming to invest all energies to keep this number lower till 100 million children till 2025. The first 1000 days of a child, therefore, are of utmost importance for overall health of a child. ย The anemia among females of age 15-49 years is targeted to lower down till 2030 as it is a very important part of Sustainable Development Goals.

What are symptoms of anemia?

Weakness, lethargy, yellow or pale skin , irregular heart beat, tiredness, pain in chest etc

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